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HIEMT – szülés utáni regeneráció​

Treatment for the Separated Abdominal Muscles

HIEMT - Postpartum Recovery

The HIEMT (High-Intensity Electromagnetic Muscle Training) is specifically suitable for treating diastasis recti, as it uniformly strengthens the abdominal muscles. Without assistance, the recovery process would be lengthy, but HIEMT provides the opportunity for rapid regeneration and strengthening of the abdominal muscles.

The HIEMT (High-Intensity Electromagnetic Muscle Training) is specifically suitable for treating diastasis recti, as it uniformly strengthens the abdominal muscles. Without assistance, the recovery process would be lengthy, but HIEMT provides the opportunity for rapid regeneration and strengthening of the abdominal muscles.

A single treatment is equivalent to 35-40 000 muscle movements, which is about 20,000 sit-ups in 30 minutes

20,000 muscle contractions in 30 minutes

Diastasis recti commonly develops after childbirth but can also occur in men due to activities such as sports, weightlifting, or obesity.

After just 4 treatments, waist pain and discomfort in the abdominal area begin to decrease. Additionally, it plays a significant aesthetic role, as it can create noticeable changes by gradually pulling back the protruding belly to its original state.

We also recommend our Magnetic Pelvic Trainer treatment as part of our postpartum recovery program!

Advantages of the HIEMT electromagnetic machine:

  • 30-minute treatments
  • 11% reduction in separated abdominal muscles
  • 11% increase in muscle tone
  • 16% increase in muscle mass
  • 19% reduction in fat tissue
  • Increased confidence
  • Zero restrictions, can even be used on a daily basis

What is it good for?

  • To treat separated abdominal muscles
  • To repair stretched tissue after childbirth
  • To reduce abdominal girth, increase abdominal muscle definition
  • To strengthen the core muscles

In which cases is treatment not recommended?

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding
  • Cardiovascular disease, circulatory disorder
  • Major cardiac and/or respiratory and/or renal failure
  • Thrombosis, susceptibility to thrombosis
  • Tumour, chronic or cancerous disease
  • Implanted electrical device, foreign material under the treated area (e.g. pacemaker, coil, metal implant, electrical implant)
  • Skin disease, skin infection, distinctive mole in the area to be treated
  • Laparoscopic or open surgery in the treated area in the last 6 months
  • Respiratory problems, lung-related diseases, lung weakness
  • Liver disease, severe diabetes
  • Menstruation
  • Autoimmune or systemic disease, muscle disease
  • Current infection, illness, inflammation in the body
  • Epilepsy
  • No dermal filler (e.g. collagen, hyaluronic acid) in the area to be treated.

Call us or send us an email to book an appointment

More about the treatment

After childbirth, the regeneration of muscles and tissues takes longer than before, regardless of whether someone engaged in regular exercise before and during pregnancy.

The phenomenon of diastasis recti can occur in everyone, whether they gave birth naturally or via cesarean section. Nearly a third of women are affected by this condition, which often persists after pregnancy.

In most cases, we're talking about Rectus Diastasis, which means the separation of the rectus abdominis muscle fibers, exceeding a distance of 2 fingers. In this case, the anterior support wall of the core is compromised, causing not only aesthetic issues but also musculoskeletal discomfort.

The rectus abdominis muscle runs from the ribs down to the pubic bone. Aesthetically, this is the muscle everyone wants to tone and define.

The HIEMT device emits electromagnetic stimulation with a strength of 7 TESLA, resulting in 100% muscle activation (with weight training, we can only engage muscles up to 20-30%). The high- frequency, rapid waves induce contractions and relaxations in the muscles.
To provide enough energy for the contracted muscles to perform contractions, neighboring fat cells undergo apoptosis (cell death), gradually breaking down. (Clinical data show that after HIEMT treatment, fat cells undergo apoptosis for up to 8 hours).

As a result of muscle stimulation and fat cell destruction, stronger and more pronounced muscles are developed. Due to the extreme stress, muscle fibers rupture, similar to any other exercise, and the body repairs them by creating stronger, larger fibers, resulting in muscle mass growth.

A treatment consists of 2 weeks and 4 sessions, or 3 weeks and 6 sessions.

Treatment for the Separated Abdominal Muscles

1 session

20.000 Ft

4 sessions

70.000 Ft

6 sessions

100.000 Ft

Combined season tickets

4 sessions Monosculpt 12 heads + 4 sessions HIEMT

120.000 Ft

4 sessions Monosculpt 12 heads + 6 sessions HIEMT

150.000 Ft

4 sessions Fat Freezing + 4 sessions HIEMT

100.000 Ft

4 sessions Fat Freezing + 6 sessions HIEMT

120.000 Ft

4 sessions Monosculpt 12 heads + 4 sessions HIEMT + 4 sessions Incontinence pads

130.000 Ft

4 sessions Monosculpt 12 heads + 6 sessions HIEMT + 6 sessions Incontinence pads

160.000 Ft

4 sessions Fat freezing + 4 sessions HIEMT + 4 sessions Incontinence pads

110.000 Ft

6 sessions Fat freezing + 6 sessions HIEMT + 6 sessions Incontinence pads

130.000 Ft
